3rd Sunday of Easter - May 5, 2019 (Thoman)

Scripture: Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41, Rev. 5:11-14, Jn 21:1-19

“rejoicing that they had been found worthy
to suffer dishonor for the sake of the name.”

I. Receive the light of Christ.
Parents and godparents, this light is entrusted to you to be kept burning
brightly. This child of yours has been enlightened by Christ. This child of yours has
been enlightened by Christ. He or she is to walk always as a child of the light. May
he or she keep the flame of faith alive in his or her heart. When the lord comes, may
he or she go out to meet him with all the saints in the heavenly kingdom.
- sound familiar?
- As a parent or godparent you heard those words at your child’s baptism –
for our First Communicants – about seven years ago – for other children
at their baptism
- That was your commissioning: to keep the flame of faith alive in your
child’s heart.
- By preparing your child this year for First Reconciliation and First
Communion, by being present, by teaching, by guiding, by bringing your
child here today for First Communion, you are doing exactly
that…keeping the flame of faith alive in your child’s life.
- I think of it as two things: what a wonderful privilege and honor to
introduce a child to Jesus – I can’t think of anything more beautiful
- And I think of it also as a tremendous responsibility: because, as you
know, the flame of faith can easily flicker out.
- You and I are doing, hopefully each of us is doing, what Peter was
commissioned to do in the gospel: feed my lambs, tend my sheep
- Peter was being rehabilitated for having denied Jesus and now being
commissioned again to go forth and care for Jesus’ disciples.
- In time, Peter would learn what that was about and the cost would be –
keeping the flame of faith alive for his brothers and sisters in Christ
would not be an easy task.
- In fact, it would lead to his martyrdom.

II.In the first reading we see Peter and the others following up on their
- they have already been arrested and reprimanded for preaching in the
name of Jesus
- but they didn’t follow orders and now they are back at it again!
- So again the Sanhedrin to stop speaking in the name of Jesus
- So did they stop? No! They are happy to “suffer dishonor for the sake of
the name.”
- They were happy? To suffer dishonor for the sake of the name!

III. How happy are you and I to suffer dishonor for the sake of the name?
How happy are we if face challenges in keeping the flame of faith alive?
How happy are we if and when we are mocked, ridicule, joked about for
being a faith-filled person?

Would you like a reputation of being a faith-filled person?

Are you and I willing to suffer dishonor for the sake of the name?

It’s one thing to try and keep the flame of faith alive when it’s easy and
comfortable, when we don’t meet any resistance, when we have a lot of support.
But what happens when family members mock us – when co-workers look at
us sideways and have a wry smile – when we feel like we have to do this and we get
little from anyone else? How fragile does the flame of faith become?
Parents and godparents have a tough time of it. You are pushed and shoved
from every side. You have work, all the tasks of keeping a household going, the
responsibility of working with others, communicating, keeping up stamina and
hope. Sometimes it’s a lot easier just to give up. Forget about it.

IV. But each of us – not just parents and godparents – are charged with keeping the
flame of faith alive for ourselves, in our own hearts, in the hearts of others around
- if we take this serious, then we may need to change our self-identity. It
might mean giving up things like being Democrat or Republican, right or
life, pro or anti anything. These are not Christian labels. The only label
that is appropriate for a disciple of Jesus is to live “for the sake of the
name.” That’s the only thing that matters. Living “for the sake of the
name” transcends all other labels we use to describe each other.

V. Essentially this means: loving
- Jesus asked Peter: do you love me?
- Peter was called to love
- two years ago when conducting interviews I was speaking with a young
man who was particularly engaged. And so, out of the blue, I asked him –
Do you love Jesus?
- he responded enthusiastically and spontaneously – YES!
- Children: do you love Jesus?
- If so, you too are commissioned.
- your parents have been working to keep the flame of faith alive in your
life. But you are now at an age where you need to do your part – your
part to keep the flame of faith in your own heart. That means you do
your part to live as a friend of Jesus – you do your part to be helping,
caring, loving in your family and among your friends. It is time for you to
start being an example of Jesus to others.
- this is a very special day for you: Jesus comes to you in a new way, a deep
way in this Sacrament of Holy Communion. I hope you know his love. I
hope you love him.

VI. Parents and godparents, members of Holy Spirit Parish….receive the light of
Christ. This light is entrusted to you to be kept burning brightly. You have been
enlightened by Christ. See to it that the flame of faith is kept burning brightly in
your own life, in the lives of your children and loved ones. When the Lord may we
all go out to meet him with all the saints in the heavenly kingdom.

-Fr Dwayne