Parish Vitality


September Pastor’s Report

September 2024

Parish Vitality Update: We have continued working on fulfilling some of our parish vitality goals and this continued throughout the summer.

Service to Others:

1. Our 2nd on the 2nd program has done well thus far since the start of the program in January. Listed below are some of the results thus far:            

January Aid to the Church in Need $784.37
February Dubuque Crisis Services Program $1,262.10
March Almsgiving Project (Kateri Tekakwitha Fund) $4,413.50
April St. Vincent DePaul $1,415.50
  Blest Art $7,572.59
June Fountain of Youth Program $783.00
July No 2nd on the 2nd Program This Month  
August Cross Catholic Outreach funds sent directly to the organization

2. Summer Faith Formation Project-- our Summer Faith Formation Program which ran from June 10th thru June 21st this year focused on the Corporal Works of Mercy and The Beatitudes. We had about 9 students sign up for the program between the combined parishes of Holy Spirit, St. Patrick’s and the Cathedral. The students engaged in charitable works at different locations throughout the community. The program was very engaging and the kids had a lot of fun. We also had a few students attend the summer Totus Tuis Program offered through Nativity Parish. It is a good program and I am sure those who attended are grateful for the experience.

3. We were grateful for the opportunity to partner with The Grand theatre in offering a “Free Family Night” to the community on August 16th. The movie was “Cool Runnings” and we gave away free popcorn to anyone who wished to attend. It was a good opportunity to provide a little entertainment and family time to those in our area. We hope to do it again in November if it fits our budget.

Sense of Belonging (which includes programs through our Parish Life Committee like our Pictorial Directory, Card Program, and IGNITE program.) We are still in the process of putting together our Pictorial Directory—and very frustrated with the progress thus far. We will keep working at it. This spring we put in place the various cards for our Card Program. With our new parish software finally available to us, this should make it easier to implement this program moving forward. We also had a pretty successful IGNITE program response during the Lenten Season. I believe we had about 75 flames filled out for assistance and participation in the many needs of our parish family.

The Mass: We offered a teaching session on the Mass on June 19th and had a descent turn out for that event. Additionally, we offered through FORMED, resources, education and videos on the Mass which are available through our parish subscription.

Some other happenings around the parish this summer included our Women of Worth program offering a couple of gatherings which included a Pizza Party and Movie in June. A gathering with appetizers followed by evening Adoration and Night Prayer in July. And finally, a fun night with games and grilled food in August. Too much fun was had by all that attended--as far I could tell.

We also celebrated this summer; three Weddings, three Baptisms, one First Communion, one Confirmation and 1st Eucharist for an Adult, and two persons were received into the Church through the initiation process (RCIA). We likewise welcomed 16 new parishioners in June and July. We thank God for these blessings and continue to keep them all in our prayers.

Work has also continued on the hillside behind the Holy Ghost Church with the landscape and plants, outdoor Stations of the Cross, and the Shrine area (St. Bernedette even got her arm back so she can pray properly to our Mother Mary). Many thanks to all who have done a tremendous job with the upkeep of our landscaping and grounds at all three of our church campuses.

As we move into the fall season and our committees and councils resume, we look forward to keeping pace with our various committees’ strategic plans that are in place. Additionally, this year we will also be placing an emphasis on evangelization as outlined in the Archdiocesan Framework for Adult Evangelization and Formation. I am not sure what that will look like at this point, but I imagine it will in large part be determined by our pastoral council  with the assistance of our Evangelization Committee.

Looking ahead, don’t forget our Fall Festival on Sept 8th and Soup R Chill Cookoff on Sept 28th. We are blessed with a good fundraiser and festival crew who always make these successful events for the parish both as a fundraising effort and a parish community building opportunity. Many thanks and appreciation for all their efforts.

All-in-all, there has been and continues to be a lot of good things happening in our parish this year—and I want to thank all of you for helping to make that happen. Know of my prayers for you and ask that you continue to pray for me. May we continue to build up God’s kingdom on earth so that we can build up His kingdom in heaven.

Sincerely in Christ,

Fr. Steve


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