Parish Vitality

Holy Spirit Parish Vitality Goals

  1. Service to Others: More involvement with support of outreach programs and charitable organizations which includes an educational component on these groups. To accomplish this goal, our Social Justice Committee has been working on the 2nd on the 2nd program whereby we take us a 2nd collection on the 2nd Sunday (of most months) for a predetermined charitable organization. This program includes educational information about the organization and possible ways to volunteer for local organizations. This program began in January of this year. Additionally, we agreed to continue the service and educational component of our summer Religious Education program which was started two years ago.

  2. Sense of Belonging: Add additional programs to foster more of a sense of belonging to our parish family. To accomplish this goal, our Parish Life Committee has developed programs this past year which include an updated Parish Pictorial Directory, a Card Program acknowledging certain anniversaries, the first-time reception of the Church’s Sacraments, and sending Christmas and Easter cards to our homebound and nursing home parishioners. Additionally, we will continue our efforts to engage the Marshallese and Filipino communities and provide more of a welcoming environment that is mindful and supportive of their cultures.

  3. The Mass: To place a greater emphasis on ministry involvement and training. To provide liturgy tidbits in the bulletin to enhance involvement, understanding, and participation in the Mass. Additionally, to offer a Teaching Mass presentation and faith enrichment session of the Eucharist and Mass. To accomplish these goals, the Liturgy Committee and Faith Formation Committee has offered several opportunities last year and this year for faith enrichment and increased liturgical ministry involvement (parish mission, ministry sign-up through the IGNITE program, faith formation sessions on the Mass and a teaching Mass presentation at Holy Ghost church at a weekend Mass and another at the Cathedral for our Religious Education students.

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